Monday, October 24, 2011

(5.1) Critique Your Competitor's E-Commerce Website

Six Rules/Principles of successful E-Commerce websites are as follows:
1. The website should be aesthetically pleasing, which makes the website appealing to the eye. (i.e. nice colors, images, and website structure)
2. The website should offer unique products, which are not offered anywhere else.
3. Advertising the presence; with advertising people will learn more swiftly about the website.
4. The webiste should be fast and easy to use. It shouldn't take too long for the webpage to load because of too many images or advertisments. Toolbars and drop menu's should also be accessable from any page on the website.
5. The customer and owner of the website should both learn from the website. Customers should learn about what the website has to offer, and the owner should learn what customers are intrested in and what is more popular on their website.
6. The website should motivate people to want to visit it. Users should be offered some sort of individuality which makes the customer want to come back.

GameStop is a major competitor for Gaming Evolution. If I were to rate the website of GameStop on a scale of 1-5, I would give it a 5. GameStop offeres all six of the principles for a successful E-Commerce Website. Their webiste is aestheticly pleasing because it offers many images and different types of games. The speed of would easily receive a 5 because it does not take very long to load up at all. The website offers unique things such as sales and information that other websites do not. The website contains a vast amount of information on different video games. The company successfully advertises its self on other websites and on television. Customers can quickly learn from because of all the information that the website gives. Giving their website information and statistics to, gives an accurate descriptions of the amount of time, on average, each person spends on their website.

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